Monday, July 18, 2011

Starting today

I did it.  I actually had a cleaning service come in and clean my house.  It looks fantastic, however, I know I will never keep it up if I don't try.  I am now determined to do this and I firmly believe that your mind is quite powerful.  I figure if I can make up my mind do actually do the things that need to get done, they will!  Hey, I can try at least right?

So, today (well I guess tomorrow) I will be implementing the FlyLady methods.  Routines are going to be very important when Josh starts Kindergarten.  I feel we need to start them now to get them down.  Morning routines, after work/school, and evening routines are going to be quite instrumental in our success.  

Next thing on the list is finances!  Dave Ramsey should be helping us with this part.  I have a meeting Friday with Wanda from church to discuss starting Financial Peace University.  There are so many things that need to be paid off or saved for.  I don't even know where to start!  So, I guess it's back to the baby steps, which is always a good place to start.  

The final change will need to be health.  Fitness and diet are going to be a big part in this.  Weight watchers perhaps?  That plays in to the money part though.  

Oh I'm just so tired in the evenings.  How will I ever get all of this done?

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