Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The same...yet different?

My goodness, it's been a month since my last post, surely I should be well on my way to freedom?  Nope, I'm just sitting in the backseat and watching it pass.  Is this really what I want to focus on right now?  Nah, lets go with some fun stuff!

Josh started Kindergarten last week.  His first week was less than stellar.  Time outs every single day.  I was starting to wonder if I was raising a future delinquent, and then yesterday came.  Not only did my son NOT get sent to timeout he actually got a star on his chart.  Not only did he get a star, he got a Golden Ticket.  What's that you ask?  It's something that students are given when they are caught doing something good.  My child...doing something good in school...I knew it :)  He has since come home with another star!  I told him if he got all 5 days we would go out for ice cream.  Bribery seems to be working wonders.  WONDERS I tell you!  I prefer to see it as encouragement and incentive.     

So, now to me.  I guess I've taken a few steps in the right direction.  I am facilitating Financial Peace University so the finances will hopefully be falling into place again soon.  I signed up for Weight Watchers again but I have yet to track anything.  Slowly, I'm pacing myself.  I do, however, have a sink with no dishes in it.  I can honestly say I'm not drowning in housework and that alone is satisfying.  Step by step I guess.  Gosh those steps sure are tiring. 

Ah that dreaded CPA exam.  It's on hold for the moment.  I figure I'm setting myself up for failure if I attempt this while also working 50+ hours a week.  That schedule won't last forever so I'll jump back on THAT wagon after I'm done pulling my hair out and crying like a baby.  This schedule can be brutal!

I hope to make progress but only time will tell.  Atleast I feel like I"m facing the right direction now!